Thomas.APIServices.Exceptions NamespaceThomas API Webservices Reference Guide

Public classAPIException
Base exception for Thomas' API exceptions
Public classEventLogging
Allows logging of errors to the Windows Event Log
Public classIncompleteGIAException
Indicates that the GIA for the requested person is not valid as it is not complete
Public classIncompleteJobProfileException
Indicates that the job profile for the requested job is not valid as it is not complete
Public classIncompletePPAException
Indicates that the PPA for the requested person is not valid as it is not complete
Public classIncompleteTEIQueException
Indicates that the TEIQue for the requested person is not valid as it is not complete
Public classInternalException
Indicates that an error occurred on the server, details of which are not needed by the client.
Public classInvalidAgentException
Indicates that the Agent GUID supplied to the webservice method is invalid
Public classInvalidAuthTokenException
Indicates that the authentication token supplied to the webservice method is invalid
Public classInvalidLocaleException
Indicates that the locale string supplied does not correspond to a valid Locale
Public classInvalidRefIDException
Indicates that the RefID supplied to the webservice method is invalid
Public classJobNotFoundException
Indicates that no job could be found with a RefID matching the JobRefID supplied to the webservice method
Public classPersonNotFoundException
Indicates that no person could be found with a RefID matching the PersonRefID supplied to the webservice method