TEIQAssessment PropertiesThomas API Webservices Reference Guide
The TEIQAssessment type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAdaptability_Percentage
The percentage score for the Adaptability facet
Public propertyAssertiveness_Percentage
The percentage score for the Assertiveness facet
Public propertyDateCompleted
The date that the assessment was completed
(Inherited from AssessmentBase.)
Public propertyDateCreated
The date that the assessment was created
(Inherited from AssessmentBase.)
Public propertyDateStarted
The date that the assessment was started
(Inherited from AssessmentBase.)
Public propertyEmotionality_Factor_Percentage
The percentage score for the Emotionality factor
Public propertyEmotionExpression_Percentage
The percentage score for the Emotion Expression facet
Public propertyEmotionManagement_Percentage
The percentage score for the Emotion Management facet
Public propertyEmotionPerception_Percentage
The percentage score for the Emotion Perception facet
Public propertyEmotionRegulation_Percentage
The percentage score for the Emotion Regulation facet
Public propertyEmpathy_Percentage
The percentage score for the Empathy facet
Public propertyHappiness_Percentage
The percentage score for the Happiness facet
Public propertyImpulseControl_Percentage
The percentage score for the Impulse Control facet
Public propertyIsPurchased
Has at least one report been purchased for this assessment
(Inherited from AssessmentBase.)
Public propertyOptimism_Percentage
The percentage score for the Optimism facet
Public propertyOverall_GTE_Percentage
The overall percentage score
Public propertyRelationships_Percentage
The percentage score for the Relationships facet
Public propertySelfControl_Factor_Percentage
The percentage score for the Self-Control factor
Public propertySelfEsteem_Percentage
The percentage score for the Self Esteem facet
Public propertySelfMotivation_Percentage
The percentage score for the Self Motivation facet
Public propertySociability_Factor_Percentage
The percentage score for the Sociability factor
Public propertySocialAwareness_Percentage
The percentage score for the Social Awareness facet
Public propertyStatus
The current status of the assessment
(Inherited from AssessmentBase.)
Public propertyStressManagement_Percentage
The percentage score for the Stress Management facet
Public propertyWellBeing_Factor_Percentage
The percentage score for the Well-Being factor
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